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AP Computer Science Study Guide
These 2 links seem to be the most popular. I have created a Java program that tries to provide an example of as much of the Java subset the AP let's you use to program. The programs are runnable to give you an idea of what each of the statements actually do. The first one is less implemented with comments meant for the user to try to fill it in. The second I make a greater attempt to fill in the subset.

AP Computer Science Study Guide
AP Computer Science Study Guide as Computer Program Take 2

AP Computer Science Posts

How to Approach AP Computer Science
AP Computer Science: The Problem with Java
AP Computer Science: It's Not Just Programming
AP Computer Science: Object Oriented Programming
AP Computer Science - A Digression on Matrices
Modulo Part II
Blackjack (adding more features)
Blackjack Almost a Real Game
AP Comp Sci Sorting Algorithms
More Recursion
Merge Sort
AP Computer Science Study Guide
AP Computer Science Study Guide as Computer Program Take 2

Black Jack Posts

Modulo Part II
Blackjack Scoring: Aces 1 or 11
Blackjack Refactored as Object Oriented Design
Graphics Based Black Jack
Adding Graphics to BlackJack - Part II
BlackJack: Extending Hand Class for Graphics
BlackJack Graphics: Adding Functional Buttons
Graphical BlackJack Game Logic
BlackJack and GridBagLayout
Java Swing BlackJack: The Final Touches

Android Posts

Android Development
Android BlackJack: Adapting Old Code
Android BlackJack: Getting Some Cards on the Table
Android BlackJack: Getting an Individual Card


Java based Shell Commands
Java Based Command Example
Args4j, Netbeans, and Ant Oh My!
Log4j and Netbeans
Post-Increment Differences between C and Java

R Basics for Statistically Inclined
Simple Statistics and the R Language
R Vector/Matrix stuff

Studying At College