Sunday, April 28, 2013

AP Computer Science Study Guide as Computer Program Take 2

AP Computer Science Study Guide Take 2 <![CDATA[/*>

AP Computer Science Study Guide Take 2


This guide was started in a previous article with comments for language elements an AP Student should know and be able to give a code example. This incantation of the same topic fills in most of the blanks with coding examples. If you were a good student you should be able to compare yours to mine. If you are a lazy student (meaning you didn't try to add any of your own code to the study guide) you better look through the code examples carefully and make sure they look familiar to you.
How to use this guide:
  • Pull the code into your IDE in its own project and run the program.
  • Generate the javadoc for the project. There should be a menu command to do it. In netbeans in was found in the run menu. For eclipse users if you can't find a quick web search should give you an answer.
  • Read through the code. The comments tell the story of what is going on.
  • Print out
    • the JavaDoc
    • the code
    • the output
  • Place them side by side on a large table and look through line by line and find where things are happening and why.

Things to look for

Different Types of Java Comments

The AP overview indicates you should be aware of the various types of comments. The most complex is the Javadoc style block comment. It contains @param and @return metafunctions in them. These comments start with /** and have *'s beginning each line with a terminating */ (on the last line). If they occur just before a method or class declaration the text within the comment will appear in the generated Javadoc. There are 2 other forms of comments one the // is used extensively in the APSubset code. The regular block comment /* . . . */ is shown only once.
The reason to point this out to you is that large portions of the code have to be used to engage the Java comments in an insignificant way. Where most of the java code examples can be accomplished with a few lines of code and a few output statements.

Method overloading

This functionality is spread in 2 different sections of code. The reverse method is defined twice. Once for Strings and then for integers. It is then used in the main method showing how the call signatures are the same and only the parameters change.


This could almost be done within the main method alone except that you also need to know about throwing an Exception. For this I created a small method that looks at its 'int' input parameter and throws an Exception if the parameter is the 'int' 3. Otherwise it just prints some diagnostic text to let you know it was called. The AP document was not too specific about which 'Exception's you should know about. I picked 3 that I thought you may have come across already in your projects. The fourth 'Exception' used is the parent class for Exceptions. Using this class is a useful way to catch Exceptions when your not sure which ones are likely to be thrown.
The reason for try-catch-finally and 'Exceptions' are to allow a program to either die gracefully or recover from an error. They are used extensively in large programming projects and Java does a nice job of integrating them in a modular way.
The 'finally' clause is run after every exception 'catch' clause has completed. In the code set up in APSubset the try catch block is run in a loop. The loop is set up to simulate a different error during each iteration. In a more robust program the try-catch block may be around your entire code. Remember most of the time Exceptions are things to avoid in the design of your code. You put them in because you may not be aware of every error scenario that could occur. In a small example such as this I had to force things to happen in a very small space. The idea behind 'finally' is that it gives you a guarenteed exit point from any Exception. A place where you can reset things or decide that the error involved was too grave and you must terminate the program. It's a place where common error handling or recovery can be done.
In the exception code there is a line commented out. It does a divide by zero but it is outside the try-catch block. Uncomment it in the IDE and run the code. You should find that the program will terminate there and no other statements past that point will be executed. Now compare that with the way the zero divide works inside the try-catch block. That should give you an idea of the utility of the Exception handling facilities in Java.

The code is 600+ lines of code so rather than place it in the text of the article I have made it into a downloadable file. Go ahead and download it and run it yourself in your own Java IDE.

Output (Run from Netbeans IDE)

APSubset: int a = 0
APSubset: double b = 0.0
APSubset: boolean c = false

APSubset: int a = 1 + 2 = 3
APSubset: double b = 2.0 + 3.5 = 5.5
APSubset: int a = 2 - 3 = -1
APSubset: double b = 2.0 - 3.5 = -1.5
APSubset: int a = 2 * 3 = 6
APSubset: double b = 2.0 * 3.5 = 7.0
APSubset: int a = 3 / 2 = 1
APSubset: double b = 3.5 / 2.0 = 1.75
APSubset: int a = 17 % 5 = 2
APSubset: double b = 17.0 % 6.0 = 5.0

APSubset: Pre/Post-increment and Pre/Post-decrement
APSubset: int a = 2
APSubset: a++ = 2
APSubset: int a = 3
APSubset: ++a = 4
APSubset: int a = 4
APSubset: a-- = 4
APSubset: int a = 3
APSubset: --a = 2
APSubset: int a = 2
APSubset: double b = 5.0
APSubset: b++ = 5.0
APSubset: double b = 6.0
APSubset: ++b = 7.0
APSubset: double b = 7.0
APSubset: b-- = 7.0
APSubset: double b = 6.0
APSubset: --b = 5.0
APSubset: double b = 5.0

APSubset: Assignment operators +=, -=, *=, /=, %=
APSubset: int a = 13
APSubset: double b = 13.0
APSubset: int a += 7 = 20
APSubset: double b += 7.5 = 20.5
APSubset: int a -= 3 = 17
APSubset: double b -= 3.5 = 17.0
APSubset: int a *= 2 = 34
APSubset: double b *= 2.0 = 34.0
APSubset: int a /= 2 = 17
APSubset: double b /= 2.0 = 17.0
APSubset: int a %= 5 = 2
APSubset: double b %= 6.0 = 5.0
APSubset: boolean c = 1 == 1 = true
APSubset: boolean c = 2 != 3 = true
APSubset: boolean c = 2 < 1 = false
APSubset: boolean c = 2 < 3 = true
APSubset: boolean c = 2 <= 4 = true
APSubset: boolean c = 2 <= 2 = true
APSubset: boolean c = 4 > 1 = true
APSubset: boolean c = 4 >= 5 = false
APSubset: boolean c = 5 >= 5 = true

APSubset: Logical Operators ||, &&, !
APSubset: boolean c = true || true = true
APSubset: boolean c = true || false = true
APSubset: boolean c = false || false = false
APSubset: boolean c = true && true = true
APSubset: boolean c = true && false = false
APSubset: boolean c = false && false = false
APSubset: int[] d = null: in else clause due to short circuit
APSubset: int[] d = 1  2  3  4  5  
APSubset: double b = 5.0/2 = 2.5
APSubset: double b = (int) b = 2.0
APSubset: int a = (int) 5.0/2 = 2
APSubset: double b = 5.0/(int) 2 = 2.5
APSubset: double b = (int) 5.0/(int) 2 = 2.0
APSubset: double b = ((int) 5.0)/(double) 2 = 2.5
APSubset: double b = ((int) 5.0)/ 2 = 2.0
APSubset: Take a string, concat a number13and another string
APSubset: to see a back slash must escape it with a backslash \\ = \
APSubset: to print a double quote use backslash double quote \" = "
 to get
 lines use backslash-n (\n) 

APSubset: Look at the code for this because there are some interesting \ (backslash) uses

APSubset: One Dimension Array: Size = 5  array = 0 1 2 3 4
APSubset: Notice in the code that the size is 5 and the indexes range from 0 - 4
APSubset: Output 2 x 2 array in matrix form
0  1   
1  0   
APSubset: twod[0].size = 2
APSubset: twod[1].size = 2
APSubset: twod.size = 2
APSubset: if statements: single statement follows
APSubset:   stmt1:
APSubset:   single statement if: 1 < 2
APSubset:   stmt2:
APSubset: if statements: compound statements
APSubset:   stmt1:
APSubset:   compound if:
APSubset:   1 < 2 is true
APSubset:   all statements are executed within braces
APSubset:   stmt2:
APSubset: only 1 of the if statement is executed in the compound ifs
APSubset: then clause: num + 5 < 20 is true
APSubset: else clause: num + 15 < 20 is false
APSubset: while loop: count numbers from 0 to 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 APSubset: end while loop
APSubset: for loop: version of above while loop
APSubset: for(i = 0; i < 10; i++): all loop controls are in first line (you don't have to search through the loop)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 APSubset: end for loop
APSubset: for each: use on intarr defined above, check the difference
APSubset: this version uses the fact that if you are going to visit each element
APSubset: the computer knows the size and can automatically code the loop parameters
0 1 2 3 4 APSubset: end for each style loop
APSubset: new operator: using new to create an object instance of APSubset
APSubset: this will give us an object to use the 'reverse' methods defined above
APSubset: apsubset instantiated to an APSubset object
APSubset: method over loading: 2 reverses have been defined:
APSubset: one to reverse strings and one to give a string of reversed 'int'
APSubset: look at their definitions they have different call parameters
APSubset: the compiler figures out which one to use based on parameter type
APSubset: apsubset.reverse("abcdefg") = gfedcba
APSubset: apsubset.reverse(12345) = 54321
APSubset: The methods do similar things but to different types of parameters.
APSubset: Run your IDE JavaDoc on this class and you will see what different
APSubset: comment styles do for the JavaDoc Documentation.
APSubset: Single line comments starting with // are used copiously in this class
APSubset: these 'log' statements are defined as static they can be used anywhere
APSubset: inside this class definition. If one were to use it in another class
APSubset: would have to use: APSubset.log();
APSubset: APSubset.log() call check the code
APSubset: static field: APSubset.ANSWER = 42
APSubset: String nullstr = null;  can't print this because it's null it has no String value yet
APSubset: We can test if the variable is a null variable
APSubset: null: reserved variable name value is null
APSubset: if (e = true): Forgot the extra equal sign setting e to true rather than testing with ==
APSubset: e = true; f = false
APSubset: if (e = f): in else clause because of '=' assignment now e is false
APSubset: e = true; f = true
APSubset: if (e == f): Now this works as expected.
APSubset: Be careful with your use of = and == especially with booleans
APSubset: exceptionGeneratorMethod executed no exception thrown ctr = 0
APSubset: try-catch ArithmeticException: / by zero
APSubset: finally clause executed: j = 0
APSubset: exceptionGeneratorMethod executed no exception thrown ctr = 1
APSubset: try-catch NullPointerException: null
APSubset: finally clause executed: j = 1
APSubset: exceptionGeneratorMethod executed no exception thrown ctr = 2
APSubset: loop past intarr boundry
0 1 2 3 4 APSubset: try-catch IndexOutOfBoundsException: 5
APSubset: finally clause executed: j = 2
APSubset: try-catch Exception: exeptionGenerator Method: ctr = 3
APSubset: finally clause executed: j = 3
APSubset: java.lang.Object
APSubset: java.lang.Integer
APSubset: Integer myint = new Integer(55) therefore myint.intValue() = 55
APSubset: Integer.MIN_VALUE = -2147483648
APSubset: Integer.MAX_VALUE - 2147483647
APSubset: java.lang.Double
APSubset: Double mydub = new Double(35.75) therefore mydub.doubleValue() = 35.75
APSubset: java.lang.String
APSubset: String test_str = "this has 22 characters"
APSubset: test_str.length = 22
APSubset: test_str.substring(4,10) =  has 2
APSubset: test_str.substring(4) -  has 22 characters
APSubset: test_str.indexOf("has") = 5
APSubset: test_str.compareTo("this has 22 characters") = 0
APSubset: test_str.compareTo("this has 22 characters") = 19
APSubset: test_str.compareTo("this has 22 characters") = -6
APSubset: java.lang.Math
APSubset: Math.abs(-3) = 3
APSubset: Math.abs(-3.56) = 3.56
APSubset: Math.pow(2.0,5.0) = 32.0
APSubset: Math.sqrt(2.0) = 1.4142135623730951
APSubset: Math.random() = 0.025126650838768416
APSubset: Math.random() = 0.8468764801673784
APSubset: Math.random() = 0.5932715934489992
APSubset: Added values to end of list in succession: 
1 2 3  
APSubset: intList.size() = 3
APSubset: Added 4 to end of list: inList.size() = 4
APSubset: intList.get(2) = 3
APSubset: intList.add(2,5): 
1 2 5 3 4  
APSubset: Added 5 to each value using intList set: 
6 7 10 8 9  
APSubset: intList.remove(1): 
6 10 8 9  
APSubset: intList.remove(2): 
6 10 9  
APSubset: Because remove shifts the elements the 2 method calls end up removing
APSubset: elements at index 1 and 3 of the original array
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 1 second)

APSubset JavaDoc

A pdf of the JavaDoc Generated from netbeans can be downloaded from:
APSubset JavaDoc


There are still some things from the AP document not coded. Some of them were outside the scope of this type of study guide. Some I couldn't think of a simple yet elegant example. I've marked those in the comments of the APSubset code. Most of them you should have been exposed to in projects you've done in your class.
This study guide is meant to remind you of the functional elements of Java available to you during your AP Test. I think it is more of a guide for the free response problems. Helping you to cast your answers in the subset so that you don't over think the problem or over utilize functionality available in advanced libraries.
I did not cover the Grid World case study in this and certainly that is something you need to look over and understand. The idea here was to cover the foundational elements of Java by way of a program so you may remember them if you need them.


  1. "Course Details." AP Computer Science A. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Mar. 2013.
Author: Nasty Old Dog