Sunday, April 28, 2013

AP Computer Science Study Guide as Computer Program Take 2

AP Computer Science Study Guide Take 2 <![CDATA[/*>

AP Computer Science Study Guide Take 2


This guide was started in a previous article with comments for language elements an AP Student should know and be able to give a code example. This incantation of the same topic fills in most of the blanks with coding examples. If you were a good student you should be able to compare yours to mine. If you are a lazy student (meaning you didn't try to add any of your own code to the study guide) you better look through the code examples carefully and make sure they look familiar to you.
How to use this guide:
  • Pull the code into your IDE in its own project and run the program.
  • Generate the javadoc for the project. There should be a menu command to do it. In netbeans in was found in the run menu. For eclipse users if you can't find a quick web search should give you an answer.
  • Read through the code. The comments tell the story of what is going on.
  • Print out
    • the JavaDoc
    • the code
    • the output
  • Place them side by side on a large table and look through line by line and find where things are happening and why.

Things to look for

Different Types of Java Comments

The AP overview indicates you should be aware of the various types of comments. The most complex is the Javadoc style block comment. It contains @param and @return metafunctions in them. These comments start with /** and have *'s beginning each line with a terminating */ (on the last line). If they occur just before a method or class declaration the text within the comment will appear in the generated Javadoc. There are 2 other forms of comments one the // is used extensively in the APSubset code. The regular block comment /* . . . */ is shown only once.
The reason to point this out to you is that large portions of the code have to be used to engage the Java comments in an insignificant way. Where most of the java code examples can be accomplished with a few lines of code and a few output statements.

Method overloading

This functionality is spread in 2 different sections of code. The reverse method is defined twice. Once for Strings and then for integers. It is then used in the main method showing how the call signatures are the same and only the parameters change.


This could almost be done within the main method alone except that you also need to know about throwing an Exception. For this I created a small method that looks at its 'int' input parameter and throws an Exception if the parameter is the 'int' 3. Otherwise it just prints some diagnostic text to let you know it was called. The AP document was not too specific about which 'Exception's you should know about. I picked 3 that I thought you may have come across already in your projects. The fourth 'Exception' used is the parent class for Exceptions. Using this class is a useful way to catch Exceptions when your not sure which ones are likely to be thrown.
The reason for try-catch-finally and 'Exceptions' are to allow a program to either die gracefully or recover from an error. They are used extensively in large programming projects and Java does a nice job of integrating them in a modular way.
The 'finally' clause is run after every exception 'catch' clause has completed. In the code set up in APSubset the try catch block is run in a loop. The loop is set up to simulate a different error during each iteration. In a more robust program the try-catch block may be around your entire code. Remember most of the time Exceptions are things to avoid in the design of your code. You put them in because you may not be aware of every error scenario that could occur. In a small example such as this I had to force things to happen in a very small space. The idea behind 'finally' is that it gives you a guarenteed exit point from any Exception. A place where you can reset things or decide that the error involved was too grave and you must terminate the program. It's a place where common error handling or recovery can be done.
In the exception code there is a line commented out. It does a divide by zero but it is outside the try-catch block. Uncomment it in the IDE and run the code. You should find that the program will terminate there and no other statements past that point will be executed. Now compare that with the way the zero divide works inside the try-catch block. That should give you an idea of the utility of the Exception handling facilities in Java.

The code is 600+ lines of code so rather than place it in the text of the article I have made it into a downloadable file. Go ahead and download it and run it yourself in your own Java IDE.

Output (Run from Netbeans IDE)

APSubset: int a = 0
APSubset: double b = 0.0
APSubset: boolean c = false

APSubset: int a = 1 + 2 = 3
APSubset: double b = 2.0 + 3.5 = 5.5
APSubset: int a = 2 - 3 = -1
APSubset: double b = 2.0 - 3.5 = -1.5
APSubset: int a = 2 * 3 = 6
APSubset: double b = 2.0 * 3.5 = 7.0
APSubset: int a = 3 / 2 = 1
APSubset: double b = 3.5 / 2.0 = 1.75
APSubset: int a = 17 % 5 = 2
APSubset: double b = 17.0 % 6.0 = 5.0

APSubset: Pre/Post-increment and Pre/Post-decrement
APSubset: int a = 2
APSubset: a++ = 2
APSubset: int a = 3
APSubset: ++a = 4
APSubset: int a = 4
APSubset: a-- = 4
APSubset: int a = 3
APSubset: --a = 2
APSubset: int a = 2
APSubset: double b = 5.0
APSubset: b++ = 5.0
APSubset: double b = 6.0
APSubset: ++b = 7.0
APSubset: double b = 7.0
APSubset: b-- = 7.0
APSubset: double b = 6.0
APSubset: --b = 5.0
APSubset: double b = 5.0

APSubset: Assignment operators +=, -=, *=, /=, %=
APSubset: int a = 13
APSubset: double b = 13.0
APSubset: int a += 7 = 20
APSubset: double b += 7.5 = 20.5
APSubset: int a -= 3 = 17
APSubset: double b -= 3.5 = 17.0
APSubset: int a *= 2 = 34
APSubset: double b *= 2.0 = 34.0
APSubset: int a /= 2 = 17
APSubset: double b /= 2.0 = 17.0
APSubset: int a %= 5 = 2
APSubset: double b %= 6.0 = 5.0
APSubset: boolean c = 1 == 1 = true
APSubset: boolean c = 2 != 3 = true
APSubset: boolean c = 2 < 1 = false
APSubset: boolean c = 2 < 3 = true
APSubset: boolean c = 2 <= 4 = true
APSubset: boolean c = 2 <= 2 = true
APSubset: boolean c = 4 > 1 = true
APSubset: boolean c = 4 >= 5 = false
APSubset: boolean c = 5 >= 5 = true

APSubset: Logical Operators ||, &&, !
APSubset: boolean c = true || true = true
APSubset: boolean c = true || false = true
APSubset: boolean c = false || false = false
APSubset: boolean c = true && true = true
APSubset: boolean c = true && false = false
APSubset: boolean c = false && false = false
APSubset: int[] d = null: in else clause due to short circuit
APSubset: int[] d = 1  2  3  4  5  
APSubset: double b = 5.0/2 = 2.5
APSubset: double b = (int) b = 2.0
APSubset: int a = (int) 5.0/2 = 2
APSubset: double b = 5.0/(int) 2 = 2.5
APSubset: double b = (int) 5.0/(int) 2 = 2.0
APSubset: double b = ((int) 5.0)/(double) 2 = 2.5
APSubset: double b = ((int) 5.0)/ 2 = 2.0
APSubset: Take a string, concat a number13and another string
APSubset: to see a back slash must escape it with a backslash \\ = \
APSubset: to print a double quote use backslash double quote \" = "
 to get
 lines use backslash-n (\n) 

APSubset: Look at the code for this because there are some interesting \ (backslash) uses

APSubset: One Dimension Array: Size = 5  array = 0 1 2 3 4
APSubset: Notice in the code that the size is 5 and the indexes range from 0 - 4
APSubset: Output 2 x 2 array in matrix form
0  1   
1  0   
APSubset: twod[0].size = 2
APSubset: twod[1].size = 2
APSubset: twod.size = 2
APSubset: if statements: single statement follows
APSubset:   stmt1:
APSubset:   single statement if: 1 < 2
APSubset:   stmt2:
APSubset: if statements: compound statements
APSubset:   stmt1:
APSubset:   compound if:
APSubset:   1 < 2 is true
APSubset:   all statements are executed within braces
APSubset:   stmt2:
APSubset: only 1 of the if statement is executed in the compound ifs
APSubset: then clause: num + 5 < 20 is true
APSubset: else clause: num + 15 < 20 is false
APSubset: while loop: count numbers from 0 to 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 APSubset: end while loop
APSubset: for loop: version of above while loop
APSubset: for(i = 0; i < 10; i++): all loop controls are in first line (you don't have to search through the loop)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 APSubset: end for loop
APSubset: for each: use on intarr defined above, check the difference
APSubset: this version uses the fact that if you are going to visit each element
APSubset: the computer knows the size and can automatically code the loop parameters
0 1 2 3 4 APSubset: end for each style loop
APSubset: new operator: using new to create an object instance of APSubset
APSubset: this will give us an object to use the 'reverse' methods defined above
APSubset: apsubset instantiated to an APSubset object
APSubset: method over loading: 2 reverses have been defined:
APSubset: one to reverse strings and one to give a string of reversed 'int'
APSubset: look at their definitions they have different call parameters
APSubset: the compiler figures out which one to use based on parameter type
APSubset: apsubset.reverse("abcdefg") = gfedcba
APSubset: apsubset.reverse(12345) = 54321
APSubset: The methods do similar things but to different types of parameters.
APSubset: Run your IDE JavaDoc on this class and you will see what different
APSubset: comment styles do for the JavaDoc Documentation.
APSubset: Single line comments starting with // are used copiously in this class
APSubset: these 'log' statements are defined as static they can be used anywhere
APSubset: inside this class definition. If one were to use it in another class
APSubset: would have to use: APSubset.log();
APSubset: APSubset.log() call check the code
APSubset: static field: APSubset.ANSWER = 42
APSubset: String nullstr = null;  can't print this because it's null it has no String value yet
APSubset: We can test if the variable is a null variable
APSubset: null: reserved variable name value is null
APSubset: if (e = true): Forgot the extra equal sign setting e to true rather than testing with ==
APSubset: e = true; f = false
APSubset: if (e = f): in else clause because of '=' assignment now e is false
APSubset: e = true; f = true
APSubset: if (e == f): Now this works as expected.
APSubset: Be careful with your use of = and == especially with booleans
APSubset: exceptionGeneratorMethod executed no exception thrown ctr = 0
APSubset: try-catch ArithmeticException: / by zero
APSubset: finally clause executed: j = 0
APSubset: exceptionGeneratorMethod executed no exception thrown ctr = 1
APSubset: try-catch NullPointerException: null
APSubset: finally clause executed: j = 1
APSubset: exceptionGeneratorMethod executed no exception thrown ctr = 2
APSubset: loop past intarr boundry
0 1 2 3 4 APSubset: try-catch IndexOutOfBoundsException: 5
APSubset: finally clause executed: j = 2
APSubset: try-catch Exception: exeptionGenerator Method: ctr = 3
APSubset: finally clause executed: j = 3
APSubset: java.lang.Object
APSubset: java.lang.Integer
APSubset: Integer myint = new Integer(55) therefore myint.intValue() = 55
APSubset: Integer.MIN_VALUE = -2147483648
APSubset: Integer.MAX_VALUE - 2147483647
APSubset: java.lang.Double
APSubset: Double mydub = new Double(35.75) therefore mydub.doubleValue() = 35.75
APSubset: java.lang.String
APSubset: String test_str = "this has 22 characters"
APSubset: test_str.length = 22
APSubset: test_str.substring(4,10) =  has 2
APSubset: test_str.substring(4) -  has 22 characters
APSubset: test_str.indexOf("has") = 5
APSubset: test_str.compareTo("this has 22 characters") = 0
APSubset: test_str.compareTo("this has 22 characters") = 19
APSubset: test_str.compareTo("this has 22 characters") = -6
APSubset: java.lang.Math
APSubset: Math.abs(-3) = 3
APSubset: Math.abs(-3.56) = 3.56
APSubset: Math.pow(2.0,5.0) = 32.0
APSubset: Math.sqrt(2.0) = 1.4142135623730951
APSubset: Math.random() = 0.025126650838768416
APSubset: Math.random() = 0.8468764801673784
APSubset: Math.random() = 0.5932715934489992
APSubset: Added values to end of list in succession: 
1 2 3  
APSubset: intList.size() = 3
APSubset: Added 4 to end of list: inList.size() = 4
APSubset: intList.get(2) = 3
APSubset: intList.add(2,5): 
1 2 5 3 4  
APSubset: Added 5 to each value using intList set: 
6 7 10 8 9  
APSubset: intList.remove(1): 
6 10 8 9  
APSubset: intList.remove(2): 
6 10 9  
APSubset: Because remove shifts the elements the 2 method calls end up removing
APSubset: elements at index 1 and 3 of the original array
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 1 second)

APSubset JavaDoc

A pdf of the JavaDoc Generated from netbeans can be downloaded from:
APSubset JavaDoc


There are still some things from the AP document not coded. Some of them were outside the scope of this type of study guide. Some I couldn't think of a simple yet elegant example. I've marked those in the comments of the APSubset code. Most of them you should have been exposed to in projects you've done in your class.
This study guide is meant to remind you of the functional elements of Java available to you during your AP Test. I think it is more of a guide for the free response problems. Helping you to cast your answers in the subset so that you don't over think the problem or over utilize functionality available in advanced libraries.
I did not cover the Grid World case study in this and certainly that is something you need to look over and understand. The idea here was to cover the foundational elements of Java by way of a program so you may remember them if you need them.


  1. "Course Details." AP Computer Science A. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Mar. 2013.
Author: Nasty Old Dog

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Blackjack Refactored as Object Oriented Design

AP Computer Science Object Oriented Blackjack

AP Computer Science Object Oriented Blackjack


Refactoring is a fancy name used in objected oriented programming for restructuring and redesigning code to make it more readable or more elegant or just easier to understand. In the case of the Blackjack Program example I purposely designed it to use very little object orientedness (if that's even a word). Now it's time to refactor the Blackjack code to take advantage of object oriented programming. I find the new code much more readable (hopefully you will as well). More importantly the new code structure will allow us to go beyond AP Computer Science constraints and turn this into a graphical card game. That will be the subject of another article.

What objects to make?

Blackjack object

The BlackJack object will be the place where the main routine resides. I used the style of object oriented programming I proposed in the previous "hello world". The main routine will instantiate a BlackJack object and call the 'run' method. All the program logic will be in the 'run' method. This may seem like a bit of overkill but what if you wanted to run a BlackJack server? Each player that logs in needs their own BlackJack game. Each game needs to run in a separate thread of execution (threading is a way of portioning off processor access so that objects do not have to wait for other objects to execute). While that may still seem like overkill if you pursue Computer Science as a major you will ultimately come across this 'pattern' of program structure. From my point of view this structure is easy to implement has no effect on performance is pure object oriented programming so why not.

PlayingCard object

When you grab a real deck of cards you will notice there are 52 objects with a back cover design and a face design. This is a natural object that we can model as an object in our program.

CardDeck object

The CardDeck object is the object model for a deck of cards. In computer terms the deck of cards is a 'container' for 'PlayingCard's.

Hand object

The Hand object is the object model of a set of cards. In the original program these were arrays with code for tracking the dealer hand and code for tracking the player hand. The Hand object greatly simplifies the code. Separate tracking is done by instantiating 2 'Hand' objects. A player 'Hand' and a dealer 'Hand'.

Unified Modeling Language

Many Computer Scientists are very poor artists. But sometimes a picture really is worth 1000 words. To standardize the drawing of object relationships and provide computer tools to assist the artistically challenge Unified Modeling Language was developed. The Object diagram is a box with the name of the Object (ie. Class) in the title of the box (located at the top of the box). Following the title are fields and methods listed below the title. Arrows can be drawn between the class objects to signify relationships and usage. You have probably seen some of these diagrams already while studying this topic.

The following represents the class objects created for the Blackjack program:

The above diagram represents the all the classes created to make the new BlackJack program. In the code that follows I have commented out the old code I used and tried to highlight the new code. It makes the code a little longer but it will give you an idea of the refactoring process.

The only thing that didn't fit well into the model is the scoring of the hands. This needs a little work. Even though this has been about BlackJack you would like to reuse the classes for other card games. Hands would be scored differently for different games. There is an object oriented way to handle this but it is a little beyond the scope of this article and level of programming. For now it's hard coded into the PlayingCard object so it's only good for BlackJack and you would have to adapt that class for a different type of game.

The Code

BlackJack Class Code

 * - main class that performs the black jack game
package BlackJack;

import java.util.Scanner;

 * @author Nasty Old Dog
public class BlackJack {

    int card_score[] = {11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10};
    CardDeck card;
    Hand player;
    Hand dealer;

    public BlackJack()
        this.card = new CardDeck();

    public void run() {
    //    CardDeck card = new CardDeck();

        // This is the old code to test hands    

        System.out.println("Player score = " + card.scoreHand(card.playerHand, card.pcards));
        System.out.println("Dealer score = " + card.scoreHand(card.dealerHand, card.dcards));
        // Reset hands

        // Now I just need to create the hand objects
        this.player = new Hand("Player Hand"); = new Hand("Dealer Hand");;;;;

        System.out.println("Player score = " + player.scoreHand());
        System.out.println("Dealer score = " + dealer.scoreHand());

        // Now to reset hands just create new ones
        this.player = new Hand("Player Hand"); = new Hand("Dealer Hand");

        String user_inp = " ";
        int bankroll = 1000;
        int bet = 0;           // if the user bets 0 quit the game loop

        // Need a Scanner for user input
        Scanner uinp = new Scanner(;
        // game loop just loop forever
        while (true) {
            // Tell the user the amount of the bank roll 
            System.out.println("Bankroll = " + bankroll);
            // get bet
            System.out.print("Enter the amount you want to bet: ");
//            user_inp = uinp.nextLine();
//            bet = Integer.getInteger(user_inp).intValue();
            bet = uinp.nextInt();
            // bet == 0 is the signal to quit loop and end program
            if (bet == 0) {

            // Old way



            // Need a loop to handle HIT or STAND commands
            boolean bust = false;
            // Old:int scr = scr = card.scoreHand(card.playerHand, card.pcards);
            // New:
            int scr = this.player.scoreHand();
            while (scr != 21) {
                System.out.print("Player Hand hit or stand? ");
                user_inp = uinp.nextLine();
                String firstch = user_inp.substring(0, 1);
                if (firstch.equals("H") || firstch.equals("h")) {
                    // Old
                    scr = card.scoreHand(card.playerHand, card.pcards);
                    // New:
                    scr = this.player.scoreHand();
                    if (scr > 21) {
                        // Player has gone bust
                        bust = true;
                    // Check if player at 21 and stop asking questions
                    if (scr == 21) {

                } else if (firstch.equals("S") || firstch.equals("s")) {
                } else {
                    // If we end up here it's because of a typo or wiseguy
                    // print error response and go back to looping
                    System.out.println("I don't understand: " + user_inp);
            if (bust) {
                System.out.println("BUST!! LOSER!!");
                // deduct bet from bankroll
                bankroll -= bet;
                // reset hands for next game
                // Old: card.resetHands();
                // New:
                this.player = new Hand("Player Hand");
       = new Hand("Dealer Hand");

                continue; // go back to top of main loop and start new game
            // Manually control dealer hand the same way
            // We will swap this out for code that will run the dealer rules 
            // automatically
            // Old: int dscr = card.scoreHand(card.dealerHand, card.dcards);
            // New:
            int dscr = dealer.scoreHand();
            while (true) {
                if (dscr < 17) {
                    System.out.println("Dealer Hand 16 or less: Must HIT");
                    // Old:
                    dscr = card.scoreHand(card.dealerHand, card.dcards);
                    dscr = dealer.scoreHand();
                } else {

            // Code to score the game and settle the bet will go here
            // For now assume we win every time
            System.out.println("Player score: " + scr + "   Dealer: " + dscr);
            if (scr > dscr) {
                System.out.println("You Win!!!");
                bankroll = bankroll + bet;
            } else if (dscr > 21) {
                System.out.println("You Win!! Dealer has BUSTED");
                bankroll += bet;
            } else if (scr == dscr) {
            } else {
                bankroll -= bet;
            // reset hands to play a new game
            this.player = new Hand("Player Hand");
   = new Hand("Dealer Hand");
//Old:  card.resetHands();


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        BlackJack game = new BlackJack();;

CardDeck Class Code

 * - Greatly simplified version of a deck of cards. Cards are
 * represented internally as a number from 0 - 51 for a total of 52 cards
 * The class just deals with standard operations you would do with a deck:
 *  - deal
 *  - shuffle
 *  - display
 *  - a constructor to initialize the deck
package BlackJack;

 * @author Nasty Old Dog

public class CardDeck {

    PlayingCard deck[] = new PlayingCard[52];
    int deckidx = 0; // the location of the next card to be dealt

    public CardDeck() {
        for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++) {
            deck[i] = new PlayingCard(i);

    void shuffle() {
        int rindex;
        PlayingCard swap;

        for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++) {
            // each time through the loop there are less numbers to randomize
            // 52 - i to be exact. But then everything from 0 to i-1 has already
            // been selected at random so add i to the random number to get the
            // appropriate index
            rindex = (int) ((Math.random() * ((double) (52 - i))) + i);
            swap = deck[i];
            deck[i] = deck[rindex];
            deck[rindex] = swap;

    void display() {
        int card_val;
        int card_suit;
        for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++) {
            //card_val = deck[i]%13;
            //card_suit = deck[i]%4;
            System.out.print(this.deck[i].getCardText() + " ");

    public PlayingCard deal() {
        if (this.deckidx < 52) {
            return this.deck[this.deckidx++]; // return the top card and increment to the next card
        } else {
            return this.deck[this.deckidx - 1];
    //New: when we get to the end of the deck lets just reshuffle and keep
    // going
    public PlayingCard deal() {
        if (this.deckidx >= 52) {
            deckidx = 0;
        return this.deck[this.deckidx++];

Hand Class Code

 * - a class that models a hand of cards as one would expect in 
 * any card game. For the purposes of the computer handling things the
 * following methods are implemented
 *  - display
 *  - sortHand (private)
 *  - scoreHand
package BlackJack;

import java.util.ArrayList;

 * @author Nasty Old Dog
public class Hand {
    ArrayList<PlayingCard> cards = new ArrayList<PlayingCard>();
    ArrayList<PlayingCard> sorted = new ArrayList<PlayingCard>();

    String displayName = "change in constructor";

    // Used to need the following in CardDeck to track this
    int playerHand[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
    int dealerHand[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
    int dcards = 0; // the number of cards in the dealer hand so far
    int pcards = 0; // the number of cards in the player hand so far

    public Hand()
        this.displayName = "Hand";

    public Hand(String displayName)
        this.displayName = displayName;

    public void deal(CardDeck deck)

    // All the commented code was needed because we did not have a 
    // good object model for how to handle Hands
    public void dealPlayer() {
        this.playerHand[pcards] = deal();

    public void dealDealer() {
        this.dealerHand[dcards] = deal();

    public void resetHands() {
        for (int i = 0; i < playerHand.length; i++) {
            playerHand[i] = 0;
            dealerHand[i] = 0;
        dcards = 0;
        pcards = 0;
    private void sortHand() {
        // sort hand make Aces 11 for sorting purposes
        // Use the insertion sort code and modify it by using the card_value
        // method as the way to sort

        this.sorted = (ArrayList<PlayingCard>);

        // The clone statement does a deep copy of the array list
        // Just to prove it I print out the sorted field individually
        // If you had to copy individually (like for the AP) the code would
        // follow the structure below
        System.out.print("Cloned: ");
        for (PlayingCard i : this.sorted)
            System.out.print(i.getCardText() + " ");
        System.out.print("Size: " + this.sorted.size());
        PlayingCard tmp;
        for (int i = 1; i < this.sorted.size(); i++) {
            for (int j = i;
                    j > 0
                    && this.sorted.get(j).card_value() < this.sorted.get(j-1).card_value();
                    j--) {
                // swap values

                tmp = this.sorted.get(j);
                this.sorted.set(j, this.sorted.get(j - 1));
                this.sorted.set(j - 1, tmp);

    public int scoreHand() {
        // No longer need this it is handled by keeping a sorted field 
        int tmp_hnd[] = new int[size];
        // Copy hand into a new array to play with without disturbing the
        // original hand
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            tmp_hnd[i] = hnd[i];
        int score = 0;
        for (PlayingCard i : this.sorted) {
            // Need to test each card to see if it is an ACE
            // If an ACE and score is < 11 use 11 as ACE value otherwise use 1
            // I haven't done a proof but I believe that checking the score
            // less than 11 is sufficient to handle ACEs and you won't bust a
            // hand incorrectly
            if (i.card_value() == 11) {
                // Processing ACE
                if (score >= 11) {
                    // ACEs must all be 1
                    score += 1;
                else {
                    score += 11;
            else {
                // Just add card_value it's not an ACE
                score += i.card_value();
        return score;

    public void display() {
        for (PlayingCard i : cards) {
            System.out.print(i.getCardText() + " ");
        // The commented code was necesary because hands were not objects
        // Now a hand knows how to display itself
        System.out.println("Player Hand  ");
        for (int i = 0; i < this.pcards; i++) {
            System.out.print(this.getCardText(this.playerHand[i]) + " ");
        System.out.println("Dealer Hand:  ");
        for (int j = 0; j < this.dcards; j++) {
            System.out.print(this.getCardText(this.dealerHand[j]) + " ");



PlayingCard Class Code

 * - Playing card class for BlackJack
package BlackJack;

 * @author Nasty Old Dog
public class PlayingCard {
    private int cardno;
    private int card_score[] = {11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10};
    //private int card_score[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,10,10,10};
    private String faceVal = "A23456789TJQK";
    private String suit = "HDSC";

    public PlayingCard(int cardno)
        this.cardno = cardno;

    public PlayingCard(int cardno, int[] card_score)
        this.cardno = cardno;
        this.card_score = card_score;

    public int card_value()
        return card_score[cardno % 13];

    public String getCardText() {
        int card_val = this.cardno % 13;
        int card_suit = this.cardno % 4;
        return this.faceVal.substring(card_val, card_val + 1)
                + this.suit.substring(card_suit, card_suit + 1);


Output 1

AH 2D 3S 4C 5H 6D 7S 8C 9H TD JS QC KH AD 2S 3C 4H 5D 6S 7C 8H 9D TS JC QH KD AS 2C 3H 4D 5S 6C 7H 8D 9S TC JH QD KS AC 2H 3D 4S 5C 6H 7D 8S 9C TH JD QS KC 
8H AC AH 3D KC 2H 5C KH 7S 5H 7H 9C 2D 8C KD JD 5D 7C 6C 3S QD AS 4S 8S 3H 4C AD 6D 5S TS 9H 6H JS 6S JC 9D 8D TD 2C JH 4D 4H TH 7D QS QC QH TC 2S 9S KS 3C 
Player Hand
8H AH 
Dealer Hand
AC 3D 
Cloned: 8H AH Size: 2
Player score = 19
Cloned: AC 3D Size: 2
Dealer score = 14
Bankroll = 1000
Enter the amount you want to bet: 100
Player Hand
TS 8H 
Dealer Hand
9C KH 
Cloned: TS 8H Size: 2
Player Hand hit or stand? h
Player Hand
TS 8H 5D 
Cloned: TS 8H 5D Size: 3
Bankroll = 900
Enter the amount you want to bet: 100
Player Hand
5D TC 
Dealer Hand
7D AS 
Cloned: 5D TC Size: 2
Player Hand hit or stand? h
Player Hand
Cloned: 5D TC QS Size: 3
Bankroll = 800
Enter the amount you want to bet: 0
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 33 minutes 27 seconds)


Four classes:

  • Main class BlackJack
  • 2 that the main Class BlackJack uses
    • CardDeck
    • Hand
  • 1 class PlayingCards that is used by Hand and CardDeck

That's all it takes to make a card game. The full code is reproduced below sans the comments from the old code. This should give you a better feel for just what the Object Oriented style is doing for us.


UML Diagram made with PlantUML under emacs editor

  1. Plant UML website

Full Code sans comments

 * - main class that performs the black jack game
package BlackJack;

import java.util.Scanner;

 * @author Nasty Old Dog
public class BlackJack {

    int card_score[] = {11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10};
    CardDeck card;
    Hand player;
    Hand dealer;

    public BlackJack()
        this.card = new CardDeck();

    public void run() {


        // Now I just need to create the hand objects
        this.player = new Hand("Player Hand"); = new Hand("Dealer Hand");;;;;

        System.out.println("Player score = " + player.scoreHand());
        System.out.println("Dealer score = " + dealer.scoreHand());

        // Now to reset hands just create new ones
        this.player = new Hand("Player Hand"); = new Hand("Dealer Hand");

        String user_inp = " ";
        int bankroll = 1000;
        int bet = 0;           // if the user bets 0 quit the game loop

        // Need a Scanner for user input
        Scanner uinp = new Scanner(;
        // game loop just loop forever
        while (true) {
            // Tell the user the amount of the bank roll 
            System.out.println("Bankroll = " + bankroll);
            // get bet
            System.out.print("Enter the amount you want to bet: ");

            bet = uinp.nextInt();

            // bet == 0 is the signal to quit loop and end program
            if (bet == 0) {




            // Need a loop to handle HIT or STAND commands
            boolean bust = false;

            int scr = this.player.scoreHand();
            while (scr != 21) {
                System.out.print("Player Hand hit or stand? ");
                user_inp = uinp.nextLine();
                String firstch = user_inp.substring(0, 1);
                if (firstch.equals("H") || firstch.equals("h")) {
                    scr = this.player.scoreHand();
                    if (scr > 21) {
                        // Player has gone bust
                        bust = true;
                    // Check if player at 21 and stop asking questions
                    if (scr == 21) {

                } else if (firstch.equals("S") || firstch.equals("s")) {
                } else {
                    // If we end up here it's because of a typo or wiseguy
                    // print error response and go back to looping
                    System.out.println("I don't understand: " + user_inp);
            if (bust) {
                System.out.println("BUST!! LOSER!!");
                // deduct bet from bankroll
                bankroll -= bet;

                this.player = new Hand("Player Hand");
       = new Hand("Dealer Hand");

                continue; // go back to top of main loop and start new game

            int dscr = dealer.scoreHand();
            while (true) {
                if (dscr < 17) {
                    System.out.println("Dealer Hand 16 or less: Must HIT");
                    dscr = dealer.scoreHand();
                } else {

            // Code to score the game and settle the bet will go here
            // For now assume we win every time
            System.out.println("Player score: " + scr + "   Dealer: " + dscr);
            if (scr > dscr) {
                System.out.println("You Win!!!");
                bankroll = bankroll + bet;
            } else if (dscr > 21) {
                System.out.println("You Win!! Dealer has BUSTED");
                bankroll += bet;
            } else if (scr == dscr) {
            } else {
                bankroll -= bet;
            // reset hands to play a new game
            this.player = new Hand("Player Hand");
   = new Hand("Dealer Hand");


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        BlackJack game = new BlackJack();;

// -----------------------------------------------------
 * - Greatly simplified version of a deck of cards. Cards are
 * represented internally as a number from 0 - 51 for a total of 52 cards
 * The class just deals with standard operations you would do with a deck:
 *  - deal
 *  - shuffle
 *  - display
 *  - a constructor to initialize the deck
package BlackJack;

 * @author Nasty Old Dog

public class CardDeck {

    PlayingCard deck[] = new PlayingCard[52];
    int deckidx = 0; // the location of the next card to be dealt

    public CardDeck() {
        for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++) {
            deck[i] = new PlayingCard(i);

    void shuffle() {
        int rindex;
        PlayingCard swap;

        for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++) {
            // each time through the loop there are less numbers to randomize
            // 52 - i to be exact. But then everything from 0 to i-1 has already
            // been selected at random so add i to the random number to get the
            // appropriate index
            rindex = (int) ((Math.random() * ((double) (52 - i))) + i);
            swap = deck[i];
            deck[i] = deck[rindex];
            deck[rindex] = swap;

    void display() {
        int card_val;
        int card_suit;
        for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++) {
            System.out.print(this.deck[i].getCardText() + " ");

    public PlayingCard deal() {
        if (this.deckidx >= 52) {
            deckidx = 0;
        return this.deck[this.deckidx++];


 * - a class that models a hand of cards as one would expect in 
 * any card game. For the purposes of the computer handling things the
 * following methods are implemented
 *  - display
 *  - sortHand (private)
 *  - scoreHand
package BlackJack;

import java.util.ArrayList;

 * @author Nasty Old Dog
public class Hand {
    ArrayList<PlayingCard> cards = new ArrayList<PlayingCard>();
    ArrayList<PlayingCard> sorted = new ArrayList<PlayingCard>();

    String displayName = "change in constructor";

    public Hand()
        this.displayName = "Hand";

    public Hand(String displayName)
        this.displayName = displayName;

    public void deal(CardDeck deck)

    private void sortHand() {
        // sort hand make Aces 11 for sorting purposes
        // Use the insertion sort code and modify it by using the card_value
        // method as the way to sort

        this.sorted = (ArrayList<PlayingCard>);

        // The clone statement does a deep copy of the array list
        // Just to prove it I print out the sorted field individually
        // If you had to copy individually (like for the AP) the code would
        // follow the structure below
        System.out.print("Cloned: ");
        for (PlayingCard i : this.sorted)
            System.out.print(i.getCardText() + " ");
        System.out.print("Size: " + this.sorted.size());
        PlayingCard tmp;
        for (int i = 1; i < this.sorted.size(); i++) {
            for (int j = i;
                    j > 0
                    && this.sorted.get(j).card_value() < this.sorted.get(j-1).card_value();
                    j--) {
                // swap values

                tmp = this.sorted.get(j);
                this.sorted.set(j, this.sorted.get(j - 1));
                this.sorted.set(j - 1, tmp);

    public int scoreHand() {
        int score = 0;
        for (PlayingCard i : this.sorted) {
            // Need to test each card to see if it is an ACE
            // If an ACE and score is < 11 use 11 as ACE value otherwise use 1
            // I haven't done a proof but I believe that checking the score
            // less than 11 is sufficient to handle ACEs and you won't bust a
            // hand incorrectly
            if (i.card_value() == 11) {
                // Processing ACE
                if (score >= 11) {
                    // ACEs must all be 1
                    score += 1;
                else {
                    score += 11;
            else {
                // Just add card_value it's not an ACE
                score += i.card_value();
        return score;

    public void display() {
        for (PlayingCard i : cards) {
            System.out.print(i.getCardText() + " ");



 * - Playing card class for BlackJack
package BlackJack;

 * @author Nasty Old Dog
public class PlayingCard {
    private int cardno;
    private int card_score[] = {11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10};

    private String faceVal = "A23456789TJQK";
    private String suit = "HDSC";

    public PlayingCard(int cardno)
        this.cardno = cardno;

    public PlayingCard(int cardno, int[] card_score)
        this.cardno = cardno;
        this.card_score = card_score;

    public int card_value()
        return card_score[cardno % 13];

    public String getCardText() {
        int card_val = this.cardno % 13;
        int card_suit = this.cardno % 4;
        return this.faceVal.substring(card_val, card_val + 1)
                + this.suit.substring(card_suit, card_suit + 1);


Author: Nasty Old Dog

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Blackjack Scoring: Aces 1 or 11

AP Computer Science Finishing Blackjack Scoring

AP Computer Science Finishing Blackjack Scoring


In the last version of Blackjack ACEs were scored as 11 all the time. This provided a testing platform for the sorting of hands and scoring of cards in general. However in real Blackjack ACEs can be 11 or 1 to the advantage of obtaining a winning hand. For the scoring algorithm so far all that is needed is some code to handle ACEs.

Aside from the ACE scoring problem there are a couple of small items to fix. First if you look at the prompts and scanner code. The prompts have lower case text for hit and stand but expect all capitals. They also require that you spell the whole word. It would be nice to except any of the following input:

  • h,H,hit,HIT,s,S,stand,STAND

I will cheat and look at only the first letter of the entry if it's an 'h' or 'H' the input will be a HIT, if it's 's' or 'S' it will be accepted as STAND.

Finally when the player reaches 21 the computer shouldn't ask if you want to HIT or STAND it should automatically go to the dealer code.

The new scoring algorithm

The new scoring algorithm uses the cardvalue function. When an 11 is detected that is an ACE and an if statement is executed to handle ACE scoring. I did only a minor amount of analysis but I believe that checking the score of the sorted hand when an ACE is encountered (being greater than or equal to 11) is sufficient for the proper handling of ACEs. So score of hand >= 11 ACEs are 1 otherwise the ACE is 11. The new scorehand method follows:

public int scoreHand(int[] hnd, int size) {
    int tmp_hnd[] = new int[size];
    // Copy hand into a new array to play with without disturbing the
    // original hand
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        tmp_hnd[i] = hnd[i];
    int score = 0;
    for (int i : tmp_hnd) {
        // Need to test each card to see if it is an ACE
        // If an ACE and score is < 11 use 11 as ACE value otherwise use 1
        // I haven't done a proof but I believe that checking the score
        // less than 11 is sufficient to handle ACEs and you won't bust a
        // hand incorrectly
        if (card_value(i) == 11) {
            // Processing ACE
            if (score >= 11) {
                // ACEs must all be 1
                score += 1;
            else {
                score += 11;
        else {
            // Just add card_value it's not an ACE
            score += card_value(i);
    return score;

The minor fixes

To cheat on the input just check the first character and test it for 'h', 'H','s','S'. It turns out that a little annoyance we left in the user input code will cause a problem when we go to run the code. But I found it after I made the changes to HIT and STAND so read on to find out the problem.

The following is the code of the player hand input loop in the main method:

while (true) {
    System.out.print("Player Hand hit or stand? ");
    user_inp = uinp.nextLine();
    String firstch = user_inp.substring(0,1);
    if (firstch.equals("H") || firstch.equals("h")) {
        scr = card.scoreHand(card.playerHand, card.pcards);
        if (scr > 21) {
            // Player has gone bust
            bust = true;

    } else if (firstch.equals("S") || firstch.equals("s")) {
    } else {
        // If we end up here it's because of a typo or wiseguy
        // print error response and go back to looping
        System.out.println("I don't understand: " + user_inp);

Output 1

AH 2D 3S 4C 5H 6D 7S 8C 9H TD JS QC KH AD 2S 3C 4H 5D 6S 7C 8H 9D TS JC QH KD AS 2C 3H 4D 5S 6C 7H 8D 9S TC JH QD KS AC 2H 3D 4S 5C 6H 7D 8S 9C TH JD QS KC 
KS 8H 6H 5S 7H KC 7C 3H 2H 7S 4H TC TD QS 3S TS 4S 8S JD TH 5D 2C 6D AC QC QH JC AS JS 9D KD 8C 5C KH 7D 3C 9S 3D 4C AD 2S 9C 4D JH AH 6S 2D 6C 9H QD 5H 8D 
Player Hand  
KS 6H 
Dealer Hand:  
8H 5S 

Player score = 16
Dealer score = 13
Bankroll = 1000
Enter the amount you want to bet: 100
Player Hand  
Dealer Hand:  
4S 3D 

Player Hand hit or stand? Stand
Dealer Hand 16 or less: Must HIT
Player Hand  
Dealer Hand:  
4S 3D JD 

Player score: 20   Dealer: 17
You Win!!!
Bankroll = 1100
Enter the amount you want to bet: 100
Player Hand  
7S TS 
Dealer Hand:  
2D AD 

Player Hand hit or stand? Hit
Player Hand  
7S TS 9S 
Dealer Hand:  
2D AD 

Bankroll = 1000
Enter the amount you want to bet: 0
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 1 minute 28 seconds)

To get the program to work I had to fix a minor problem that has been plagueing the program since we added the user input. Notice that in the output of the game the line 'I don't understand:' doesn't appear after the bet is input. It turns out that when we get the integer for the bet it doesn't eat up the whole line (this is not knowledge you need for the AP but interesting never the less). So I added a uinp.nextLine(); method call.

            System.out.print("Enter the amount you want to bet: ");
//            user_inp = uinp.nextLine();
//            bet = Integer.getInteger(user_inp).intValue();
            bet = uinp.nextInt();
            uinp.nextLine();    // **New line added to eat the rest of the input line

Indeed if you look at the commented out lines I tried to handle the input originally by grabbing the whole line and then try to parse the integer out of it. It never worked well and I didn't feel like investigating because the change to the scanner methods made the problem go away.

Stop asking silly questions!

When the player gets to 21 the computer can be smart enough to check and continue to the dealer processing without asking for HIT or STAND. An extra if statement is all that's needed, right after we check for a 'bust'.

if (firstch.equals("H") || firstch.equals("h")) {
    scr = card.scoreHand(card.playerHand, card.pcards);
    if (scr > 21) {
        // Player has gone bust
        bust = true;
    // Check if player at 21 and stop asking questions
    if (scr == 21) {

Output 2

AH 2D 3S 4C 5H 6D 7S 8C 9H TD JS QC KH AD 2S 3C 4H 5D 6S 7C 8H 9D TS JC QH KD AS 2C 3H 4D 5S 6C 7H 8D 9S TC JH QD KS AC 2H 3D 4S 5C 6H 7D 8S 9C TH JD QS KC 
5S TH 3H 4H QC AH 5H 4S QH 9C 6D 5C 2S 8S KC TD TC KD 6C 4C TS JC AC AD 7D 8D 4D 9S 3S 7H 6H 9H 5D 3D 8H JS 7S 3C 2C 2H 7C JH QD 2D JD KH KS 8C AS 6S QS 9D 
Player Hand  
5S 3H 
Dealer Hand:  
TH 4H 

Player score = 8
Dealer score = 14
Bankroll = 1000
Enter the amount you want to bet: 100
Player Hand  
2H 8C 
Dealer Hand:  
QD 6D 

Player Hand hit or stand? h
Player Hand  
2H 8C 4H 
Dealer Hand:  
QD 6D 

Player Hand hit or stand? h
Player Hand  
2H 8C 4H 7H 
Dealer Hand:  
QD 6D 

Dealer Hand 16 or less: Must HIT
Player Hand  
2H 8C 4H 7H 
Dealer Hand:  
QD 6D 4C 

Player score: 21   Dealer: 20
You Win!!!
Bankroll = 1100
Enter the amount you want to bet: 0
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 37 seconds)

There you have it the computer moves right along once the player hits to 21. The only thing not checked for is if the player has blackjack from the beginning. So I changed the player input while loop to loop while scr != 21. Which makes the if statement a little redundant but if you were going to make this program more like Vegas blackjack the payout is 1.5 times for 21 dealt on first 2 cards. I'll leave it in. It may come in handy later on if you want to make this game more realistic. Look at the full code at the end for the above change.


The point of this exercise was to show the AP student that with only the programming skills they have learned in AP Computer Science they can put together the start of a real card game. I believe the only thing we used that is not part of the AP test is the Scanner class. Many teachers introduce this class anyway as it's an easy way to accept user input. In the AP test they will generally tell you that user input is accepted and what form it comes in, they won't expect you to know the specific code. They do expect you to understand that computers accept user input.

I will revisit this program in order to show you how I would refactor (ie. redesign) this code to make it object oriented. Hopefully you have your own ideas at this point for what I did wrong from an Object Oriented perspective. It's very close to the 2013 AP exam date so I will try to hurry this next article.

You may be wondering if I would have coded this program the same way if I were trying to make a Java based blackjack program. The answer is yes and no. I would have designed some objects in the beginning that seemed obvious. But then some of the insight into how to solve a problem comes from getting the code down and seeing how it works. If an idea comes to mind I usually try to capture it in code. Then I will refactor it into the Object Model. Understand though that an experienced Object Oriented Programmer may naturally start with a better initial object model than a less experienced programmer. In the end, however, any code that works properly and gives a seamless user experience is sufficient by definition object oriented or not.

Don't let the constraints of programming mess with your creativity. In the end the people who are really successful at this craft are the creative programmers the elegance of their coding doesn't really matter. Think about it do you care if "Angry Birds" has the most elegant object oriented design? No you play it because it's fun not because the code is elegant!

Final Code

package apcompsci;

 * @author Nasty Old Dog
import java.util.Scanner;

public class CardDeck {

    int deck[] = new int[52];
    String faceVal = "A23456789TJQK";
    String suit = "HDSC";

    public CardDeck() {
        for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++) {
            deck[i] = i;

    void shuffle() {
        int rindex;
        int swap;

        for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++) {
            // each time through the loop there are less numbers to randomize
            // 52 - i to be exact. But then everything from 0 to i-1 has already
            // been selected at random so add i to the random number to get the
            // appropriate index
            rindex = (int) ((Math.random() * ((double) (52 - i))) + i);
            swap = deck[i];
            deck[i] = deck[rindex];
            deck[rindex] = swap;

    public String getCardText(int crd) {
        int card_val = crd % 13;
        int card_suit = crd % 4;
        return this.faceVal.substring(card_val, card_val + 1)
                + this.suit.substring(card_suit, card_suit + 1);
        //return this.faceVal.substring(card_val, card_val+1).concat(
        //this.suit.substring(card_suit, card_suit+1));

    void display() {
        int card_val;
        int card_suit;
        for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++) {
            //card_val = deck[i]%13;
            //card_suit = deck[i]%4;
            System.out.print(this.getCardText(deck[i]) + " ");
    int playerHand[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
    int dealerHand[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
    int dcards = 0; // the number of cards in the dealer hand so far
    int pcards = 0; // the number of cards in the player hand so far
    int deckidx = 0; // the location of the next card to be dealt

    public int deal() {
        if (this.deckidx < 52) {
            return this.deck[this.deckidx++]; // return the top card and increment to the next card
        } else {
            return this.deck[this.deckidx - 1];

    public void dealPlayer() {
        this.playerHand[pcards] = deal();

    public void dealDealer() {
        this.dealerHand[dcards] = deal();

    public void resetHands() {
        for (int i = 0; i < playerHand.length; i++) {
            playerHand[i] = 0;
            dealerHand[i] = 0;
        dcards = 0;
        pcards = 0;

    public int card_value(int c) {
        // I need an array of sort values 11,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,10,10,10
        int card_score[] = {11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10};
        // I will use modulo 13 again to take a card and convert to face value
        // then use that to index into the card_score array for the sort value
        return card_score[c % 13];

    public void sortHand(int[] hnd) {
        // sort hand make Aces 11 for sorting purposes
        // Use the insertion sort code and modify it by using the card_value
        // method as the way to sort

        int tmp;
        for (int i = 1; i < hnd.length; i++) {
            for (int j = i;
                    j > 0
                    && this.card_value(hnd[j]) < this.card_value(hnd[j - 1]);
                    j--) {
                // swap values
                tmp = hnd[j];
                hnd[j] = hnd[j - 1];
                hnd[j - 1] = tmp;

    public int scoreHand(int[] hnd, int size) {
        int tmp_hnd[] = new int[size];
        // Copy hand into a new array to play with without disturbing the
        // original hand
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            tmp_hnd[i] = hnd[i];
        int score = 0;
        for (int i : tmp_hnd) {
            // Need to test each card to see if it is an ACE
            // If an ACE and score is < 11 use 11 as ACE value otherwise use 1
            // I haven't done a proof but I believe that checking the score
            // less than 11 is sufficient to handle ACEs and you won't bust a
            // hand incorrectly
            if (card_value(i) == 11) {
                // Processing ACE
                if (score >= 11) {
                    // ACEs must all be 1
                    score += 1;
                else {
                    score += 11;
            else {
                // Just add card_value it's not an ACE
                score += card_value(i);
        return score;

    public void displayHands() {
        System.out.println("Player Hand  ");
        for (int i = 0; i < this.pcards; i++) {
            System.out.print(this.getCardText(this.playerHand[i]) + " ");
        System.out.println("Dealer Hand:  ");
        for (int j = 0; j < this.dcards; j++) {
            System.out.print(this.getCardText(this.dealerHand[j]) + " ");

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CardDeck card = new CardDeck();



        System.out.println("Player score = " + card.scoreHand(card.playerHand, card.pcards));
        System.out.println("Dealer score = " + card.scoreHand(card.dealerHand, card.dcards));
        // Reset hands

        // CardDeck card = new CardDeck();

        String user_inp = " ";
        int bankroll = 1000;
        int bet = 0;           // if the user bets 0 quit the game loop

        // Need a Scanner for user input
        Scanner uinp = new Scanner(;

        // game loop just loop forever
        while (true) {
            // Tell the user the amount of the bank roll 
            System.out.println("Bankroll = " + bankroll);
            // get bet
            System.out.print("Enter the amount you want to bet: ");
//            user_inp = uinp.nextLine();
//            bet = Integer.getInteger(user_inp).intValue();
            bet = uinp.nextInt();
            // bet == 0 is the signal to quit loop and end program
            if (bet == 0) {




            // Need a loop to handle HIT or STAND commands
            boolean bust = false;
            int scr = scr = card.scoreHand(card.playerHand, card.pcards);
            while (scr != 21) {
                System.out.print("Player Hand hit or stand? ");
                user_inp = uinp.nextLine();
                String firstch = user_inp.substring(0,1);
                if (firstch.equals("H") || firstch.equals("h")) {
                    scr = card.scoreHand(card.playerHand, card.pcards);
                    if (scr > 21) {
                        // Player has gone bust
                        bust = true;
                    // Check if player at 21 and stop asking questions
                    if (scr == 21) {

                } else if (firstch.equals("S") || firstch.equals("s")) {
                } else {
                    // If we end up here it's because of a typo or wiseguy
                    // print error response and go back to looping
                    System.out.println("I don't understand: " + user_inp);
            if (bust) {
                System.out.println("BUST!! LOSER!!");
                // deduct bet from bankroll
                bankroll -= bet;
                // reset hands for next game
                continue; // go back to top of main loop and start new game
            // Manually control dealer hand the same way
            // We will swap this out for code that will run the dealer rules 
            // automatically
            int dscr = dscr = card.scoreHand(card.dealerHand, card.dcards);
            while (true) {
                if (dscr < 17) {
                    System.out.println("Dealer Hand 16 or less: Must HIT");
                    dscr = card.scoreHand(card.dealerHand, card.dcards);
                } else {

            // Code to score the game and settle the bet will go here
            // For now assume we win every time
            System.out.println("Player score: " + scr + "   Dealer: " + dscr);
            if (scr > dscr) {
                System.out.println("You Win!!!");
                bankroll = bankroll + bet;
            } else if (dscr > 21) {
                System.out.println("You Win!! Dealer has BUSTED");
                bankroll += bet;
            } else if (scr == dscr) {
            } else {
                bankroll -= bet;
            // reset hands to play a new game

Author: Nasty Old Dog